Information Security: The PMI's Invisible Shield
In this era of information, the importance of information security is self-evident. Whether it is customer data, trade secrets, or internal management information, they all need to be fully protected.
PMI has always adhered to a serious and responsible attitude towards information security, and strives to protect the internal and external information and data security of the company at all times and places, ensuring the security of customers' information assets.
The ENX Association supports VDA as a widely accepted and recognized information security assessment in the automotive industry (relevant results can be exclusively retrieved through the ENX portal website: https://portal.enx.com/en-US/TISAX/tisaxassessmentresults/)Our company has always followed the high standards of suppliers in the automotive industry, benchmarking against the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Standard and the VDA-ISA (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) Information Security Evaluation Checklist. We continue to improve our information security system, demand ourselves more strictly, continuously improve our information security level, and provide customers with safer and more reliable services.
Continuously improving the level of information security is an endless process. PMI and the United States will continue to learn and improve, build a reliable and professional information security defense line, and firmly establish a mutual trust and sustainable cooperation relationship with partners in the global supply chain. This is an important step taken by the company in the international automotive market and expansion.