Climate change is the global problem that human race facing directly, in target to encounter the resulted global warming threat, the United Nations has stated a framework convention on Climate Change under Paris Agreement since September 2020, China has been planned to draw up an action plan for peak carbon emissions by year 2030, where follow by carbon neutral before year 2060. Aluminum industrial is the fundamental industrial that uses in developing economic & living standard raise, the carbon emission take count in the process starting from ore, smelting, fabrication until product & eventually to recycle. The exploration for emission reduction in aluminum industry being the significant action to achieve carbon peak & carbon neutral in China & others.
Recycle Aluminum is the critical condition for Carbon Neutral
Compare to other metal, aluminum’s special characteristics cause it to be the ideal high efficient limitless recycle GREEN ALLOY, that having relatively high yield recycle recovery & economy in recycle feasibility. In aluminum product’s manufacturing chain, the ore refined as aluminum oxide, then smelting as aluminum ingot, huge energy has been consumed & exhaust large amount of greenhouse gas, which as upstream energy chain. The fabrication chain uses relatively less energy to transform shape & property formation as product, which as downstream energy chain.
Recycle aluminum is the product form of 1 cycle of up-down stream energy chain, then limitless recycle at downstream, which avoid the repeat occurrence of upstream high energy consumption in further recycle.
This describes that carbon neutral task shall not be limited over singular part of one product manufacturing chain, but shall work through the whole supply chain. According to a research stated that in contrast with primary ingot output, producing 1 tons of recycle aluminum would save approx. 3.4 tce, 14 cubic water, less solid scrap of 20tons. For 1tce equivalent to 3 tons CO2, 1 ton of recycle aluminum could save approx. 10.2tons of CO2, that indicate the huge improvement on energy efficiency.
As the aluminum good plasticity & balance unit strength, one aluminum product manufacturing process can be shorter theoretically in contrast to other metal. The product design & production design having widely available options, which can reduce the carbon footprint in its fabrication process dramatically.
Aluminum having relatively lower melting point which makes the fuel consumption at heat treatment process such as melting, heat-treat strengthen process, it can be a lot flexible & clean-energy possible, that having advantage on carbon emission.
China recycle aluminum output over total aluminum output found lower than Global average, which is a contrast to other developed country & obvious the recycle aluminum potential in carbon neutral activity.
Carbon-neutral target, PMI in action
PMI works endless effort in promoting CLEAN PRODUCTION model since establishment, and has been deploying multiple eco-friendly projects in its production garden, such as solar-power auxiliary source, clean energy, eco-friendly production etc. since year 1993, PMI subsidiary in Malaysia, PMA has launched “Recycle Aluminum Production”, where contribute 90% of its product manufacturing & recognized by its customers on the quality stability.
On long-term operation development plan, PMI has mutually recognized as a partner with multiple global customers in Global Strategic on Sustainability Development, in which recycle aluminum application is one of the main goal.
In balance the product quality & “Sustainability” quality, PMI will keep pushing with no residual force with the team with customer, supplier & various profession.