The Global demand for aluminum has grown by over 4% per year since 2012 innovation within aluminum manufacturing has taken strides to decrease energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions through new designs and technologies. Due to continued,increasing demand in aluminum production which in turn increases the scale of the challenges we face in creating a sustainable future for our planet and our people.
Press Metal International is to make sustainability normal, so that it becomes part of?everything we do. We work hard every day to be a company that earns trust through transparency, accountability and continuous improvement – one step at a time?towards long-term success in all areas of our business and beyond. We are committed to becoming an organization with zero impact on the environment while continuing to deliver outstanding value for customers, shareholders and employees alike.
Press Metal aspires to grow sustainability by strengthening operational efficiency, sustainability performance and leadership to future proof the success of its business. We address the Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) aspects of our operations by?monitoring and managing the Group’s impact on the environment, society and economy throughout our value chain.
As an environmentally-conscious organization, we understand the importance of?reducing our environmental?footprint. All Press Metal manufacturing subsidiaries are ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management Systems) certified to ensure continuous?improvement when addressing and managing the environmental risks and opportunities involved. Building on these efforts and joining other aluminum industry players in an effort to mitigate climate change, we have established Carbon Neutral Policy. It is in line with the Paris Climate Accord, committing the group to a decarbonisation pathway to achieve carbon neutrality by year 2050.
Furthermore, we have embarked on a journey to become an ASI-certified aluminum producer by benchmarking our smelting operations against the ASI Performance Standard and other key industry players.
Responsible Governance
Governed by a robust set of rules, practices and processes, Press Metal’s management?and employees recognize the pivotal role they play in building a sustainable, competitive and reputable business. Transparency and accountability are keys to establishing?stakeholder trust and strengthening the Press Metal team to work with purpose and integrity.
Supply Chain Management
?Building a sustainable supply chain ensures continuous and uninterrupted supply of goods while upholding our sustainability commitments. We have implemented?measures?within our supply chain to encourage our suppliers and contractors to conduct business in a responsible and sustainable manner.
Setting environmental targets, monitoring the performance of our processes and?measuring our progress toward improving the environmental footprint of our operations, define our approach to environmental management. Our manufacturing entities are ISO 14001:2015 certified and guided by our Environmental Policy and Environmental Mission Statement. Water consumption, air emissions, waste generation, climate change and energy consumption, are areas we have been focusing on to strengthen environmental sustainability.
Material Recycling
Aluminum by-product and scrap aluminum are collected and separated at the source,?according to the location of scrap generation and type of scrap. While pure aluminum?scrap is recycled back into the production process residue and mixed aluminum scraps?are sent to can approved recovery facility. We strive to have near 100% recycling rate for?our aluminum by-products given the metal’s ability to be recycled infinitely. We record all?process scraps generated, either through internal records or monthly reports from?external facilities.
Active management of emissions is important to evaluate the effectiveness of our sustainability initiatives and identify areas for improvements in our operations. By?optimizing resource consumption, switching to more?environmental-friendly fuel and?capturing pollutants before it is released into the atmosphere, we aim to minimize our impact on the environment.
Several measures have been implemented to align with our goal for carbon neutrality.?Our Sarawak operations are powered by renewable electricity generated from the local?hydro-power dams and fuel used in our casting furnaces is biodiesel. The subsidiaries in China utilize solar power in addition to electricity sourced from the local power grid. All in the pursuit in the production and manufacturing of low carbon aluminum.?
Our GHG statements are verified by DNV GL, an independent expert in assurance. DNV?GL carried out this verification in accordance with DNV GL’s assurance methodology VeriSustainTM1.
Energy Management
Energy management is important due to the energy-intensive nature of aluminum?manufacturing processes. Our energy initiatives focus on the implementation of efficient technologies to minimize consumption across the Group.?
Waste Management
Our waste commitment includes reducing waste generation at source and responsibly?handling any waste that we produce, in line with the circular economy approach. Our goal is to have zero landfill waste and we strive to achieve this goal by adopting the 4R?principles of the waste mitigation hierarchy:
1. Reduce the volume or toxicity of waste generated at source via improvement in manufacturing processes.
2. Reuse industrial by-products by re-purposing the material.
3. Recycle the waste to recoup its material value.
4. Recover all by-products to serve as material input.
Water Management
Water is important for our production operations, particularly for cooling purposes. Every?subsidiary withdraws piped water from local water treatment plants. At our smelting?plants, we do not discharge any industrial waste?water as most of the water is used in the?cooling process and evaporates upon use. However, at PMBA and PMI, treated industrial water discharge to sewage drains occur due to anodizing and mould cleaning process. Across all entities, water is also used for domestic purposes in canteens, hostels and office departments as well as for hydrant pumps, in cases of emergency. All domestic waste?water is treated in septic tanks before being discharged into the rivers in compliance with relevant legislation and guidelines.
Our plants are located in areas that are not stressed for water and experience above average rainfall. We continue to pay close attention to water resource management and we strive to achieve best practice in water optimization.
Sustainable Workforce & Community
We aim to deliver high performance value to our customers while cultivating a healthy work environment and vibrant local community. We want our people to be proud of being a part of Press Metal. This is achieved by implementing proper management measures and initiatives along with dynamic engagement program for our employees and the local communities.
?Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction
Aluminum holds infinite material potential. It is versatile, lightweight and durable, making?aluminum the “material of choice” for multiple industries.
?As the largest producer of aluminum products in South East Asia, we take pride in the quality of our products as well as our ability to meet the demands of our customers. We accomplish this by establishing stringent procedures that retain high quality production.
Occupational Health & Safety
The aluminum manufacturing process presents a multitude of health and safety risks to?our workforce and therefore, we implement stringent occupational health and safety (“OHS”)?measures to safeguard our stakeholders and create a conducive and safe workplace for our employees and third parties we engage with.
Local Communities
Press Metal is an active contributor to local community development and has invested in-social programs. Our?programs focus on improving the quality of life for communities residing close to our area of operations. We recruit?employees from the local community?and provide opportunities for small businesses by organizing community based initiatives.
Press Metal International, is striving to become a center?of excellence when promoting?carbon neutral targets and planning the implementation of supply chain R&D, PMI leads the way in sharing these values about standardization.
To have a balance with product quality and the concept of sustainability, the team at PMI?will keep pushing forward with customers?and suppliers at the forefront.?For a more in-depth report on PMI’s Environmental, social, corporate?governance please contact us at your convenience.