In Information Age, smartphones have become the most crucial device in human daily living. 5G era’s arrival, brings explosive increment to smart telecom products. The aluminum alloy has high strength and good for fabrication & thermo-conductivity. It has been widely used on consumer electronic products, telecom products & others, include but not limited to aluminum alloy phone mid-frame, smart device casing, 5G antenna heat-sink, filter, etc.
Aluminum alloy has the ultimate metal quality
Aluminum profile has the excellent appearance & exquisite touch after surface treatment of anodize. Thus it is the main reason about aluminum being the major ingredient for consumer electronic product design. Via anodizing treatment on aluminum, a layer of stable micro-class anodize film formed on the profile surface that could protect the device from external chemical attacks and extends the device life-time.
Excellent plasticity that fulfill the product design need
Aluminum alloy is the significant structural material for telecom devices by having characteristics of good corrosive resistance, high strength, non-flammable & magnetic-free which is suitable for the need of telecom devices required to be light & always-online. On the other hand, the 5G antenna power consumption is 2.5~4.0X over 4G antenna, which means the heat generation found too great that will affect the network stability & device service life-time. Aluminum, which has good thermos-conductivity, could conduct heat rapidly & cool down the device, the fabricated heat-sink device could bring value-added improvement that drive forward to 5G era.
Reduce E-waste
As electronic device growing, that lead to the concern on Sustainability. By year 2020, China & East Asia E-waste has been grown up by 4 times comparing to year 2007. Aluminum alloy characteristic of recycle-ability could raise the recycle value of electronic devices. It could maintain the human living environment while enjoying the new technology.
PMI provides one-stop aluminum solution for telecom industry
Through the PMI Light Metal R&D Institute, PMI provides the leading aluminum alloy material solution for Consumer Electronics & Telecom Industry by optimizing the full process, from alloy selection, profiles design, surface treatment in product design & engineering, etc, to fulfill the aluminum alloy profile strength, surface treatment & environmental friendly. Up until now, PMI has been providing the high quality & reliable aluminum alloy material for world-wide well-recognized telecom brand. The sub-company of PMIT has the full range of aluminum profile fabrication facility that could provide one-stop aluminum product fabrication service. Looking forward to future, the 5G era will fully arrive, PMI will work together with each telecom & IT product manufacturer, to build the new aluminum era.